
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Lots of stuff but...not.

I guess I didn't live up to my promise of being more wordy, did I?  Ah well.  I haven't really made much progress in the past week or so either, at least not on the maroon car, anyway.  I removed the intake manifold and did a little painting on the block (gold, of course).  Then we had a garage sale and most of the week was taken up by that, so no car stuff.  Until I needed to replace the heater hoses on Betty, anyway.  Then I replaced a motor mount on the 850, found a horribly ripped intercooler hose - after I'd already come home from iPd, of course - and replaced that a couple of days later...  The 850 runs MUCH better now, though we're still getting the misfire code, so a Seafoam/Chinese Water Torture is in order there.  Betty is doing well as my DD, and I'll get back under the hood of my maroon 245 shortly.  Ordered some exhaust and oil feed parts from Summit Racing the other day, so everything should be coming together nicely very shortly.