
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I can weld!

Today was a volvo-filled day.  Went out to another OVT members' place and pulled some parts for Betty (wiper motors and a cluster), then came home, loaded Betty up with parts for the '86 and went over to the parental units for some welding action.  Father picked up a Lincoln 125, so now I'm learning how to weld.  My first project?  Full 3" exhaust for the '86 (I've really GOT to name that car now that Betty has a name.  Any suggestions?)  My first few welds sucked, and I was practicing on my 3" cat and muffler, so that wasn't good.  The old downpipe I pulled from Betty was cracked after the collector, so I thought I'd try welding that up.  Took me a little while to get the hang of it, and I really need a welding table of some kind as well as better lighting, but overall it turned out fairly well.  I then went ahead and tacked up the rest of the 3" exhaust and put hangers on it, then checked to see how it looked under the car.
Not too shabby if I do say so myself.  Sits up nice and tight, and doesn't bang against the body anywhere, so...bonus.  After this pic I took it off the car so I could finish welding it up after I get a bit more practice, but that is where it shall be from now on.  Welding is fun!